Tuesday 8 December 2015

600th blog post!

Blimey, I've now hit my 600th blog post!  I have to say, when I began this site (way back in September 2009), I really didn't expect to get this far.

Since the 500th post, my novella "Drive" was published by Pendragon Press and nominated for a British Fantasy Society Award, "The Lost Film" (the collaboration that isn't) by me & Steve Bacon was also published by Pendragon Press (and launched at FantasyCon in October), I've had several short stories published, got another honorable mention from Ellen Datlow (this time for "The Bureau Of Lost Children"), went to Edge-Lit 3Edge-Lit 4 and Sledge-Lit, had a great time at two FantasyCons (York in 2014 and Nottingham in 2015), did a reading at KettFest, was part of the Fox Spirit Writers Evening and thoroughly enjoyed the inaugural Crusty Exterior Meet-up in London.

On the blog, I've written some book reviews, some behind-the-scenes essays (on movie miniatures (and ILM), more matte paintings and special make-up effects), a couple of Nostalgic pieces (on The Fall Guy and The Three Investigators), some "Appreciation" articles that were well received (on Derek Meddings, Robert B Parker, Sir Roger Moore and Rick Baker), some film retrospectives (on VideodromeGhostbusters, Licence To Kill and James Bond and Moonraker), celebrated 30 years of Listen Like Thieves and compiled my All-Time-Top-10 list of Three Investigator books.

In general life, I had a heart attack and lost a lot of weight, saw "Close Encounters" and "American Werewolf" under the stars, met Sir Roger Moore and had some adventures with Dude (who turned ten this year).

An action packed (and life-changing) time, I'm sure you'll agree.  It's been great fun for the most part and, fingers crossed, there's loads more to come so roll on post 700!