Saturday 28 May 2011

ill at ease - a collection

Coming soon, from PenMan Press, an echapbook collection with stories from Stephen Bacon, Neil Williams and me. It's a good package.

More details coming soon, but the final cover art is below (designed by Neil)

More information at the publishers website - PenMan Press

There's also a Facebook group, if you're on the network and fancy hooking up - there'll be a competition, with a nice prize - ill at ease on Facebook

Wednesday 18 May 2011

A Society well worth your support

Support this!

My lovely sister Tracy developed MS in the last year of her life and it was devastating, seeing the awful changes it brought about in her body. Thankfully, her spirit was strong and the family rallied around and I like to think we made life bearable for her. Indeed, she was starting to fight back, getting more and more like her old self when, sadly, she passed away in November 2003.

Support this.

(this is my 200th post. It makes sense to dedicate it to my sister. RIP, TJ)

Monday 16 May 2011

Spider - Australian short film

"It's all fun and games, until someone loses an eye" - Mum

So begins this cracking little film, which goes somewhere you don't expect and made me jump on two occasions.

Do you like short films? Do you like Australian cinema? Then check this out!

Spider from Nash Edgerton on Vimeo.

Friday 6 May 2011

Lisa Snowdon - Hubba Hubba!

It's been a boys-night-in tonight, as Alison has gone out with the girls. As Dude & I were watching TV, this ad came on featuring the lovely Lisa Snowdon. So I thought I'd do the decent thing and post it on here!

Lisa Snowdon, whom I've liked for many a year, is on my list. You know, the list...

Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Lost Film Novella - coming soon (woo hoo!)

Coming soon, from the award-winning Pendragon Press -

The Lost Film
A Novella by Mark West

Gabriel Bird is a private detective. He’s been hired to track down Roger Sinclair, an exploitation film-maker who disappeared in 1976, having just completed his last film. Long since lost, “Terrafly” was reputed to have an adverse, often fatal effect on those who watched it. Sinclair’s producing partner, Sorrell Eve, is concerned that the film is about to appear again and wants to make sure it stays lost forever.

As Bird closes in on his target, strange incidents begin to happen to those around him and when he’s offered the chance to watch a clip of “Terrafly”, things turn very dark indeed.

A modern detective story, filled with rich detail of the low-budget heyday of British exploitation films, this will ‘pull you into a dark cinematic nightmare’.

More details to come...

"Lights, camera, action...Mark's West's lost film novella will grab your soul by the sprocket holes, pull you into a dark cinematic nightmare, and then re-edit the way you look at the world. Experience it at your peril."
- Gary McMahon, author of “Pretty Little Dead Things”

May The Fourth Be With You (it's Star Wars Day!)

Danger Dude!

Here's the Dude, throwing himself (literally) into space on a bouncy slide.  Thanks to David Roberts, for the pic.

On the writing front, I have some exciting news about The Lost Film novella and will reveal all soon! But suffice it to say, I'm very chuffed!