Friday 29 August 2014

Flashback Friday - friends and conventions (part two)

Back in June (on this post, if you're interested), I made the point that I'm somewhat of a documentarian and love taking photographs and keeping a visual record of family, friends and events that link us.  What kicked the post off was finding a load of old Convention pics, which all spoke volumes of camaraderie and good friends and they seem to have made a lot of people smile.

So in a similar spirit (and because I'm off to FantasyCon next Friday) and as this is Flashback Friday, here are some more Con pics featuring good friends and good times.

from left - Joe Rattigan, John B. Ford, Mark Samuels, me - Stuart Young is in front
Rainfall Writers at the BFS Open Night, the Princess Louise, Holborn, December 2003 
FantasyCon 2008, Britannia Hotel, Nottingham
Three of the "We Fade To Grey" gang - me, Simon Bestwick, Gary McMahon
FantasyCon 2010, Britannia Hotel, Nottingham - me, Simon Marshall-Jones, David Price
FantasyCon 2011, Brighton
Enjoying (or not, as the case may be) a pizza at the end of the pier with Mandy Edwards, Stuart Hughes, Richard Farren Barber and David Price
Alt-Fiction, Leicester, 2012 with Sue Moorcroft
Also at Alt-Fiction, Leicester 2012, with Johnny Mains
FantasyCon 2012, Brighton
enjoying the disco with, amongst others, Peter Mark May, Lee Harris, Laurel Sills, Paul Melhuish, Simon Kurt Unsworth and Robert Spalding
WFC 2013, Brighton
Admiring Neil Bond's autographs with Steven Chapman and Ruth Booth
WFC 2013, Brighton.  Steve Bacon & I in the mirror...
Andromeda One, Birmingham 2013
me, Dave Jeffery, Phil Sloman, James  Everington, Steve Harris

All of my Convention reports can be found at this link


  1. What a great collection! And Ruth Booth is a fabulous name. Wish I'd thought of it for a character.

  2. Thanks, glad to have you in there too! Ruth could feature in the next book - if she's at FCon, I'll introduce you!
