Friday 27 January 2012

Sleazy times are a-coming...

When it comes to horror, I’m willing to embrace most of the sub-genres and enjoy them for what they offer. Sometimes I like a good ghost story, sometimes I like a good action-led piece, sometimes (looking at you, Gary McMahon) I like them bleak and sometimes I like them old-school, with lashings of sex and violence. I began reading horror in the mid-80s, when gore was good and over the past few years, thanks mainly to Johnny Mains, I’ve begun collecting and re-reading the trashy, sleazy horror from the late 70s/early 80s (especially from Brit houses, such as NEL, Star and Futura). Also, thanks to my reviewing commitments with VideoVista, I discovered Shameless and Arrow, re-releasing on DVD old 70s and 80s sleaze extravaganzas. I’ve been like a pig in the proverbial, I tell you, catching up with titles (books and films) that I’ve been after for years but haven’t been able to find.

Late last year, I was involved in Hersham Horror Books’ “Fogbound From Five” - a five-writer-collection edited by Peter Mark May. It’s a classy paperback, a good size and has some excellent stories. I didn’t realise, at the time, that Peter was planning on making this style into a series - which he’s called PentAnth’s. The second edition, due in September of this year, is Stuart Hughes’ “Siblings” and I have no doubt it’ll be excellent - Stuart’s an excellent editor and he’s got some great writers lined up.

Then Peter asked me if I’d like one. It took me about a second to say “yes, of course” and about a minute to come up with a pitch of what I’d like it to have as a theme.

The book has now been announced on the Hersham Horror Books site and if I tell you the title, you’ll guess the sub-genre straight away.

“Anatomy Of Death In Five Sleazy Pieces” (how cool is that?) will appear in both print and digital editions in March 2013. It will contain stories by Johnny Mains, Stephen Bacon and my good self, plus talented newcomers Selina Lock and Andrew Murray (the latter’s an Aussie and I’ve told him that if he wants to mine the Ozploitation field, he’s more than welcome!) and I will be producing the cover art (probably in league with Neil Williams again).

It’s a long way off, of course and I have no idea what my story is going to be, but I’m very chuffed about this. I hope you will be too.

More news as and when…


  1. My wish list grows larger and larger each day. A new title or a new writer is added almost daily. If only I could find the time to read them all :)
    Anyway, I juts discovered Hersham Horror Books and I believe that they have some interesting titles there. I am looking for this one too.

  2. Thanks for the comment, I know exactly what you mean - so many books/writers, so little time!

    Hersham are good, Alt-Dead is a tidy collection, "Fogbound From 5" is even better.

    I hope the sleazy ones does it for you too!
